Pharmacist Protocols and Collaborative Practice

NEW! Statewide Protocol

The Collaborative Drug Therapy Management Committee has adopted the following Protocol for Testing and Initiation of Therapy for:
 - Suspected Influenza in Adult Patients
 - Suspected Influenza in Patients under 18 years of age
 - Suspected Acute Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis in Adult Patients
 - Suspected Acute Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis in Patients under 18 years of age
 - Suspected Acute Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in Women

Pharmacist requirements to participate:
1. Complete the training and obtain necessary credentials
2. Review and Sign the Protocol
3. Maintain a copy of the Protocol at each location where it is used by the pharmacist for 10 years. (Copies do not need to be sent to the Board office.)

Approved Protocol
Influenza Protocol - Adult
Influenza Protocol - Under 18
Acute Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis Protocol - Adult
Acute Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis Protocol 2023 - Under 18
Acute Uncomplicated UTI - Women 18-64

Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs for Protocol

Sample Immunization Protocol

Pharmacists may enter into an immunization protocol with a Kansas-licensed physician to administer vaccines or authorize pharmacist interns to administer vaccines. The 2021 updates to the Kansas Pharmacy Practice Act require any immunization protocol be signed by the authorizing physician and the administering pharmacist. Copies of the signed protocol should be retained for five years at the location(s) where immunizations are provided, but do not need to be sent to the Board office.

A sample immunization protocol is provided below. This is only an example and is not intended to be a required template. Each physician and pharmacist should form their own agreement for a written protocol which complies with Kansas law.
Sample Immunization Protocol (Word)
Sample Immunization Protocol (pdf)

Sample Collaborative Practice Agreements

Helpful Tools and Resources

Collaborative Drug Therapy Management Committee Members

Erick Axcell, PharmD, Non-Voting Chair
Meghan Haftman, PharmD
Anthony Caracci, PharmD
Chad Ullom,RPh
Michael Machen, MD
Lynn Fisher, MD
G. Aron Fast, MD